Carys Weldon Blog

Friday, March 10, 2006

Frustrations from yesterday aside, I have new frustrations. Reality intrudes into my writing life. Ever have that problem, where real life/obligations get in front of what you want to do?

There is never enough time. I feel like I have a million things cooking, and everything on the verge of burning...and no potholder in sight.

I keep asking friends, what should I write here? Most of them laugh at me and say, "You're the writer."

Do you want to know about everything I do? Or just writing projects and events?

Part of why I'm feeling so scattered and under pressure is that I'm in the middle of final edits on one book, expecting an e-release TWO WEEKS AGO of Hood--from my Wanton Werewolf Series, and I'm preparing to go on six separate writing conferences/book signing deals...and now, in the middle of that, one of my four daughters has announced that she's getting married on June 17th. Do the math there...three months and counting down--with all those conferences in between AND she's clear across the country.

I'm taking all EMAILS on wedding planning suggestions. And sympathy via email, too.

But what about the writing?
I'm slipping that in and out of everything else. I've got a project almost done. I wonder if it sounds good to you?

It's about a girl named Mira Starks. The working title in my twisted little mind is BANGIN' FANGIN' VAMPIRE'S REVENGE. I'm sure it'll have a more respectable title by the time you see it. God, I hope it does, anyway.

Mira Starks is one of those average chicks you see every day working behind the counter at gas stations. Her boss is a jerk. He keeps feeling her up. (No. That's NOT the sexy part. And anyone who gets turned on by accosting women can just go...get some counseling.)

Some dolts in my writing group tried to tell me they thought she liked getting attention that way, and her barbs back at him egged the loser on. I had to do a rewrite and spell it out. She hates that kind of treatment. She'd like to shoot him in the head. (That would be the REVENGE part of this book. So, if you're lookin' for satisfaction, it's there. In more ways than one.)

Anybody with me or against me on that sort of thing? Sorry, I'm not into non-consentual touching. But, man, gimme all the consentual stuff you wanna show me. Right?

Ya can't have a whole book of a loser picking on the heroine. Oh, no. This is one of those --the girl needs a hero and to be empowered herself--books. It's definitely for chicks out there who have an urge for someone to get some back on a guy that was mean. And for guys who might not be the kind of man his girl wants...and is a little frustrated over trying to please her.

It's a surreality vampire story. Whatever that means.

Mira has a fantasy about a very sexy guy named Grant--in the beer cooler. Yep. Dirty thoughts while cleaning up. Mira's never had good oral sex, believe it or not. Is that about the worst shame in the world?

Okay, maybe not the worst, but damn, it's up on the top of the list. So, it starts out hot in the cooler.

Never fear. Enter the hero, Rick DiBiase, who ain't yer reg'lar sorta guy. At first glance, he's a vampire with some kind of secret. It's hard to tell if he's a good guy or not, but fan me fast, he is damn sure sexy. And he gets into Mira's head and plants some fantasies that are too, too real.

Let me ask you this...what if satan wasn't the only one with a wicked-cool army of kick ass, neck bitin' dark angels?

Who do you think tossed Satan out of heaven? Pretty blonde angel girls singing hallelujah? Oh, no. I propose, in Mira's Story, that God's got some archangels of a kind you don't often see. Warrior Angels who've spent eternity doing a fine job of putting out the dogs. But there comes a time when they get their reward.

What would you think if one of them appeared in your life and said, "God said TAKE YOUR PICK and I picked you."...?

A little unbelievable? It is for Mira. She thinks she's going nuts. And when he winds back time, that does a number on her head.

Did I mention that my vampire books almost always have some surreal twists...? I hope you can keep up.

I hope you're intrigued. Tomorrow, I'll post some sexy preview of that book. How's that?

Posted by CarysWeldonblog :: 9:27 AM :: 0 Comments:

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