Carys Weldon Blog

Monday, November 24, 2008

What's up? I have a new puppy!!


What's up with you? Anything new?

I've been busy trying to write. Since I haven't accomplished a lot this last year or so, I needed to get refocused. (Still working on that!) Some of you will be happy to know I'm really trying to pull my science fiction head together and have been working steadily on novels of that nature.

I am also meditating on a book I'm putting together with Vickie Gay, world reknowned psychic. And will be doing more werewolves pretty soon, too. So, fans of that can look forward to more of those. I just have to hold off on writing those until the publisher gets more of them out.

I find the going much slower than it used to be. I'm hoping it's just a matter of retraining myself. For some reason, I'm easily distracted. With science fiction, I have to go and look up everything to make sure my science is feasible. Sometimes I have to stop and get up and walk around and try to absorb the info.

I know I'm messed up when I stop writing so I can do the dishes. LOL Those haven't been a priority of mine since my first baby was born.

I haven't been able to tackle my email. It's just too overwhelming. I get in that inbox and feel like I'm drowning. I have thousands and thousands that have been sitting there for a while now, plus the new ones every day. I'm not talking about the spam ones, either. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. But don't take it personally if you've emailed me and I haven't responded. I'm just inundated, and I get in there and lose hours and hours without even making a dent.

For the same reason, I stopped hitting my blogs daily. Sorry, friends! When I get myself back up to speed, you'll see much more regular posts here.


I got a new puppy last Saturday. It's a little yorkie girl that weighs maybe 2 1/2 lbs. She's four months old. I don't think she'll get over 4 lbs full grown, if that much.

So cute. So cuddly. Didn't know diddly when I got her. I think the breeder is running a puppy mill. She wanted to meet me somewhere instead of have me drive out to her home. She told me she was going to give the puppies a bath the day before. My little girl doesn't smell fresh, and she had obviously had chunky matting cut out of her coat...but not all of them.

I want to give her a bath but it's been very chilly here and she's so little, I don't want to take a chance with her catching a cold. I think, if the temp rises outside another twenty degrees, I'll be able to give her one. It's 37 out there now.

I know. I know. You're saying, "But if your house is warm...?" But the truth is, a warm house always has a minimum of ten degree lower temp and usually draft, too, at ankle level--which is wear this baby scoots around.

I learned that from a pediatrician when I lived in Nevada.

Anyhow, we've named her Pixie. She's smart, enough to know that when I say "Want the blanket?" She'll go and put her teeth on it and pull it up over her shoulder. I think that only took about three or four askings.

But she doesn't know basics like "Come" or "Come here" even. I think all dogs that have been out of crates know when you're calling them to come to you. They don't all want to come. But they understand the gist, especially if you've got food in your hand and holding it out. This little girl acted like she'd never been given a tidbit by hand. I actually had to pry her mouth open the first few times.

Little itty bitty yorkies often have trouble with low sugar, and since we had one before (My daughter's little boy, Mojo--who tops out at 4 lbs after he's eaten), I recognized her pooped out look. Poor thing acted like she'd simply run out of gas, and couldn't hold her head up any more. So, I knew I needed to give her a little honey, and get some real food into her.

Most dogs will lick a finger with honey on it. She didn't. But, after prying her lips open and rubbing it on her gums, and then getting a drop or two on her tongue, she perked up pretty quick. I dunno if you know this, but little dogs with hypoglycemia issues can actually have strokes and seizures--like diabetics, and can have permanent brain damage from those.

Pixie has no signs of anything like that. I'm just's possible, and has been documented in a lot of the tiny tiny dogs. And it's better to be safe and sorry. I'd rather err on the side of giving her the sweet treat when it wasn't totally necessary than deal with the alternative.

In every way, this little girl is pretty, except one. She has big honking bat wing ears. And, while she CAN make them go straight up, she spends a lot of time with them pointing straight out to the side. I'd post pictures but you know I'm picture/graphics challenged.

Picture a yorkie whose head is just over an inch wide with ears that extend out to a full six inches all total. It is TOO funny.

My daughter Savannah bought her half brother. He is only 2 lbs and makes Pixie look big. She named him Tonka. They were born three days apart. Pixie came from a litter of EIGHT puppies. Who ever heard of a 3 1/2 lb yorkie having 4-4, let alone EIGHT? And they all survived, with no known health problems.

All I can say is...this is one crazy world.


Posted by CarysWeldonblog :: 7:49 AM :: 3 Comments:

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I am always happy when you post..

I just love puppies.. My son has Chef, he is a heinz57 but the very best dog..He is so protected of the grand kids..Rob got a choc lab last summer. Coco, I called her coco loco. She chewed everything the carpet in the dining room to the bare floor, carpet in the hall, the woodwork in the kitchen, even concrete in the basement. She didn't get to do her job outside. She chewed my dining room chairs and that so when I couldn't take it anymore. She had plenty of toys and chew sticks, I don't know why she was the way she was. We don't her anymore.

Sorry that you’re writing is coming slower. But it is probably just getting better, Right????

We lost our nephew, Will on Veterans Day. He was 6, he lost his battle with leukemia. He was a brilliant boy, he knew everything about sharks. Will could look at a tooth and tell you what shark it came from. I know that he is pain free now and happy. Please pray for his Mom and Dad, Mom is taking this very hard. I can’t image losing a child.

I am getting ready for Thanksgiving. I am cooking the whole meal except the dessert.. I am going to have a better out look than the Easter meal. I am trying to think positive this time..And we are babysitting all 5 grandchildren on Friday. I wonder what they will be like by the end of the day… Lots of Sugar and fun.

Rob broke up with his girlfriend of a year. Rob couldn’t handle a girlfriend and the mother of his children fighting each other most of the time. Probably lots of other reasons too. The Kids are doing good and Rob is doing good too. He doesn’t work for Wal-Mart anymore and loves his new job, a farm store Rural King. Less stress. Rob has had a much better outlook on life for the last few months. That is very good.

Kay and I are planning our trip to Orlando. We are a little worried about the hotel. I hope that Romantic Times improves things. We are going two days early to go to Epicot. I haven’t been there.

I hope that you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Love ya, Brenda

By Blogger Brenda, at 12:36 PM  

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By Blogger CarysWeldonblog, at 9:05 AM  

First, let me say, "I am so terribly sorry for your loss."

I read this the first day you posted it, and really struggle with this sort of news. It IS good that he is not suffering any more, and I AM sure he is in a place where the spirit of children are welcomed with open arms, and love. Hugs to the whole family.

Things like this always make me wonder about life, God's plan, and why we suffer as we do. I'm sure the best thing is to remember the good times, and happy moments we had.

But sometimes this life gets so bogged down in sadness that it's hard to even remember a moment without pain, let alone a truly happy moment.

If I could encourage anyone to do something, it would probably be to look for the bright spots and hang onto them, write them down, and re-read them, or revisit the happy memory, often.

As for all the rest you've posted on...why does it seem that dogs, girlfriends/boyfriends, and jobs always come and go?

I'm glad Rob is happier. Maybe his next relationship will be less trauma filled. Being between a man, his children, and his ex is a terribly hard thing to endure, I think.

But then his ex is probably crowing with delight that she ran the girl off.

There will come a time, and a woman, where the ex will take the back burner completely, and can light all the fires she wants, without crumbling ashes falling into his other relationship. She'll always be the grain of salt, but he WILL be able to put her in perspective and there will be a woman that can do that, too.

I need to look at the RT roster and see what I can do to plan for that. Can't wait to see you and Kay again. I really thought I'd make it up there this summer--but can't control some things, as you know. Anyhow, *HUGS*--and I really am somewhere between sorry for your loss, and comforted to know he isn't suffering any more.

By Blogger CarysWeldonblog, at 9:07 AM  

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