Carys Weldon Blog

Monday, January 02, 2012

My newest novel

As for the JANO, write a 50k word novel in the month of January, I'm moving slow. Unbelievably slow.

So, I've come up with Katrina, a cowgirl type who owns a ranch (compliments of my mom's suggestions), in New Mexico (compliments of my husband's suggestion), and there's this guy named Jonah (compliments of a friend named Paulyne). And, from there, I need more help. My friend Ruby mentioned that NEW MEXICO is crawlin' with indians (she's a Navajo hailing from down there.) So, there will be indians in this novel. My friend Jen suggested Katrina make some prickly pear cactus jam at some time, so you can look forward to that in the book--and I plan to include the recipe.

Any more suggestions?

Posted by CarysWeldonblog :: 8:43 AM :: 0 Comments:

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