Carys Weldon Blog

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Undead and Unwed

I want you to know that I read every comment posted on this blog.

Jen mentioned Undead and Unwed by Mary Janice Davidson--I've read that. It was recommended to me by a bookstore owner friend. It is funny and a quick read, but I get annoyed with it because it doesn't go where I want romance to go--and since it's in the romance section, there are certain things I expect.

Like the hero and heroine to get it together in a way that satisfies me. I like sexual tension. I like things to feel like the characters in the book are dealing with brain waves like I would. You know, normal worries and insecurities and frustrations (even if they are werewolves or whatever.)

What sort of things do you expect out of a romance?

The one thing that I worry about some of my romances is that I take you away from the couple sometimes, to show you the world around them. Where a Harlequin (for example) has basically those two people on the page all the time, I occasionally take you away from one of them because...I want you to feel his or her frustration for not being with the other person. You can't feel that if they are always together. Besides, real life cuts in and takes us away from the people we want to be with, so it feels more authentic to me.

But, I wonder if readers hate that.
I always wonder what you really want to see.
So, tell me a few things, if you would.



Posted by CarysWeldonblog :: 6:14 AM :: 1 Comments:

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You know... It's hard to say what I look for in a romance. I don't really know. I just know that when I'm done with it, I like to have that "Yeah, that was good!" feeling.

Even if I don't like the first chapter or two, I'll read the whole thing, thinking maybe it's a slow start or something. Sometimes that pays off. Sometimes it doesn't.

By Blogger Unknown, at 3:11 PM  

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