Carys Weldon Blog
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Muscle cramp cures!
I suffer from chronic muscle cramps because I have fibromyalgia among other things, so I'm always looking for whatever my body might be missing that causes the problem. Despite taking muscle relaxers and qualaquin--a version of quinine, I still have this issue, and it seems to be getting worse.
Thus, you see my chronic internet surfing for cures. Today, I came across something that I think you will all be interested in, a website that lists pretty much everything from toe cramps to cramps just in the left leg, versus the right. It narrows down which cramp signals a need for electrolytes (toe cramps), calcium, magnesium, creatin==I found it to be a list I might refer to often.
My husband, for example, suffers toe cramps. I remember the first time he had one--I laughed so hard I cried. Of course, that was before I'd ever experienced the phenomena. Since, I have been wholly repentant of that laughter. I've taken it back a thousand times.
Anyhow, if you've ever suffered a muscle cramp, even something as small as on a toe, you'll appreciate this list.
Check it out and tell me what you think.
Labels: calcium, electrolytes, leg cramps, magnesium, muscle cramps, toe cramps
Posted by CarysWeldonblog ::
7:19 PM ::
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