Carys Weldon Blog

Saturday, March 17, 2007

More contest clues and dragon blues

Dragon word count: 20. So, I only wrote 7 pages and edited the other thirteen to death yesterday. Very annoying to me that I couldn't get going faster.

I got up from the keyboard and went places with my family. We drove into Springfield (Missouri)and saw my two adult daughters that live there. (Adult is a legal, but loose term, imo.) The married one thinks she's pregnant but hasn't got a positive test back yet. She's pukey feeling. (The cards predicted this, and now say she is. We'll see if that comes true.)

In contest news, today we're just visiting websites that don't have blogs I can find, but if you can put the name of the author on your list, I'll be happy:

FIRST CLUE OF THE DAY is A NEW DAY DAWNS so well that it won an award.

SECOND CLUE of THE DAY is (a bad clue). You can get MADDEN if you want to, but I say A MAN IN A KILT is worth looking at twice. Because you always have to ask, is he regimental or not?

THIRD CLUE is all about WRITING MADE HARD. This (male) author is a hypnotist, but I love to say his name out loud three times fast. This one has a blog, so be sure and post a note to say hi.

FOURTH CLUE...Lorna and Larry are lovers with a forty year marriage. They spent a month in a teeny weeny asian country that once was bombed a couple times in a row. Okay, this is funny. I had to come back to say...this couple created a blog last night so they could be included in this blog contest. So, you gotta go to my space and see.

FIFTH CLUE...Talk about the Rhiel Life...this author has a post about podcasts, which I'm totally interested in. And she writes poetry, which my readers know I love. You can hear her podcasts if you go to her blog and click the link. So, by all means, check that out.

Posted by CarysWeldonblog :: 5:33 AM :: 0 Comments:

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