Carys Weldon Blog

Saturday, January 06, 2007

new project

As often happens in my writing, I hit some sort of snag last week on the sequel to Raven's Mischief. I pondered it for a week or better now and finally decided that I have to go back and rework the last passage in my Wolf God/Shadow Walking Witch manuscript. But, since I haven't yet put a finger on why I couldn't make myself write on it, I have decided to stop staring at my email and just concentrate on something else altogether for a week.

So, I'm gonna try and write a novel in the next week or so. I'll let ya know how that goes. Some of my best stories came that quick--so I'm seriously hoping for another Chaos, Leader of the Pack, or Jack: In the Pack sorta story.

That ONE DUMB NIGHT idea keeps coming back to my head--as I've wandered away from the computer time and time again this last week. Which means my head wants to write that instead of the sequel at the moment. (Split personality disorder in my brain. Jennifer argues with Carys all the time. And then there's the other girl they tie up with duct tape a lot--the idiot that said, "Hey, write a g-rated romance," last August. No one seems to want that one. So we're not listening to her ever again. LOL)

When I say "I haven't written much this week," it's really a lie. I've written poetry, a ton of email and a couple short mystery stories. And I've submitted a bunch of stuff. (Mostly poetry.) So, even when I'm not "really writing" I'm still putting out some sort of (bad) fluff.

I am working on a collection of poetry that is based on my reflections of people who have left a mark on the world. Tell you have some favorite heroes/heroines that I should include? If you give me a name and I actually write a poem and get them published in a collection, I'll put dedications on the page of the poem that is written about someone you suggested. Now, obviously, this concept is on the far outside that someone would care to publish such a collection by moi. But you never know. Right? I'll just keep a list. And if your mother, or cousin or best friend gives you a name and you'd like to see their name on a page with a dedication to them, just say so. I have a standing offer for an epublishing poetry contract from a publisher that has published nothing to date. So, I know I can get it at least epubbed by "this guy I know." LOL

Posted by CarysWeldonblog :: 5:50 AM :: 0 Comments:

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